Shep the Dog
Age: 2 years old
Fixed (Spayed/Neutered)? Yes
Weight: 60 lbs
Indoor? Yes
Microchipped? Yes
City in which animal is located: Monroe
Rehoming fee? No
Please note: This is a courtesy listing on HSHV’s site. This animal is available through a private individual, NOT HSHV. For questions, please contact the individual below, not HSHV. Thank you!
He needs to be in a home with an active couple. He is fine with women but if there is a man in the home he will have to work to build a relationship with Shep. He loves to be outside and run around. If you play ball with him you will need toys that are as strong as Kong.
If you are interested in adopting Shep, please contact Rhonda at 734-735-9587, 734-735-9246, or This animal is listed as a courtesy on our site, but is available through this individual. For questions, please contact the individual listed, not HSHV. Thank you!