Max the Cat
Age: 6 yrs
Fixed (Spayed/Neutered)? Yes
Declawed? No
Weight: 13 lbs
Indoor? Yes
Microchipped? Not known
City in which animal is located: Ann Arbor
Rehoming fee? No
Please note: This is a courtesy listing on HSHV’s site. This animal is available through a private individual, NOT HSHV. For questions, please contact the individual below, not HSHV. Thank you!
Max currently lives in a quiet home and would prefer a quiet home. Max is a cat that takes a while to break out of his shell. Max lives fine with animals and is very passive, but he wouldn’t mix well with high energy animals. Max is a very anxious boy, but will be a very loving pet once he gets comfortable with his new surroundings.
If you are interested in adopting Max, please contact Danny at 469-494-5825 or This animal is listed as a courtesy on our site, but is available through this individual. For questions, please contact the individual listed, not HSHV. Thank you!