Olive the Cat
Age: 1.5
Fixed (Spayed/Neutered)? Yes
Declawed? No
Weight: 10 lbs
Indoor? Yes
Microchipped? Yes
City in which animal is located: Ann Arbor
Rehoming fee? No
Please note: This is a courtesy listing on HSHV’s site. This animal is available through a private individual, NOT HSHV. For questions, please contact the individual below, not HSHV. Thank you!
Olive currently lives with my two older children and I. We also have another cat and a dog. She is terrified of the dog and refuses to leave my son’s bedroom. I want Olive to live a full life full of exploration and curiosity, and currently she refuses to leave the bedroom out of fear of our goldendoodle. Olive is a sweet baby and loves pets. She still hasn’t quite figured out meowing, but she does make lots of cute noises. She is learning to play and is very food motivated.
If you are interested in adopting Olive, please contact Chantel at 248-636-3013 or chantelncook@gmail.com. This animal is listed as a courtesy on our site, but is available through this individual. For questions, please contact the individual listed, not HSHV. Thank you!