Thank you so much for supporting the animals at HSHV!

For the safety of your family, the animals and others, when visiting HSHV, please…

·       Wear a mask. Let us know if you don’t have one; we’re happy to provide one for you.

        (If you can’t wear a mask due to a qualified medical condition, please call us to make an after- or before-hours appointment when safe social distancing can be maintained. Appointments available only to those who meet the CDC guidelines.)

·       Follow social distancing by keeping 6 feet or more away from anyone not in your own party.

·       Use the hand sanitizers (or sinks) available throughout the building frequently.

·       Stay home when you’re sick (or have been in close contact with someone sick). We promise we’ll be here when you’re feeling better!


We’ve made many changes to adhere to the CDC, state and local guidelines. Our goal is to provide outstanding services while keeping you, other visitors, staff, volunteers and, of course, all furry friends safe. We are very grateful for your patience and help! If you have questions, please call us at (734) 662-5585. We look forward to seeing you!