After losing my two senior male cats due to common old-age-kitty health issues a couple years prior, I knew it was time to let a new kitty into my life. My boyfriend and I went to HSHV to have a look at some kittens. My eye went straight to a cage of 4 little black ones, and then straight to one little male in particular. The volunteer had just given everyone some canned food, so when she asked if I wanted to see any of them, we said we would wait until he was done eating. He proceeded to stuff his face for the next 10 minutes! We didn’t think he planned on ever stopping. The volunteer had to peel him away from the plate, much to the kitten’s disapproval, so we could visit with him. Instantly I knew, that’s my cat. This was the summer of 2021 and he is the best cat on the entire planet. I taught him some tricks (“high five” and “spin”), and he makes the best biscuits every night. And while the rest of him grew up, his meow did not, so he forever has an adorable, high pitched kitten squeak when he talks. Here he is “helping” me study for finals.

Cheese now Spock