Please call us in advance at (734) 661-3528 to discuss before bringing us your dog. If you live outside of our service area we may not be able to help you. You may be asked to call the shelter in your area.
HSHV’s Intake department can be reached at (734) 661-3528, 7 days a week, between the hours of 9am-5pm.
Our primary service area is Washtenaw County. Please understand that we have limited space. In order to give every single animal the best chance at finding a new, happy home, we may put your name on a waiting list, or you may be told we are full and have no room to help you. We regret HSHV cannot help every animal.
After calling, and if you are told we can assist you, please complete the surrender form below or print the Dog Surrender Form and complete it offline. By filling is in as completely and as accurately as possible, you’re helping enable us to find the best possible home for your dog.