You’ve decided you’re ready to adopt a cat! How do you pick the right one? Here are some tips to keep in mind when looking for the best fit possible for your lifestyle.

  • If you have an active home with lots of people or kids, look for a cat who is actively seeking attention. These kitties may be cats who adjust easily or are less concerned with lots of noise and commotion and who would likely do well in a busier home.
  • If you have a very quiet home, or are away from home much of the day, keep in mind that adopting a more active cat means making sure that they have tons of good enrichment and active playtime to be really happy. A bored cat is a frustrated cat… and that can mean mischievous behavior if their needs aren’t met.
  • An older, lower energy cat could be great for someone who’s away a lot or who has a very calm, quiet home.
  • Kittens are a lot of work! They need training, socialization and interaction as much as a puppy does, which is easy to forget when you’ve got that little ball of fluff in your arms.
  • A very shy cat can easily open up in a safe environment. The quiet, nervous cat you meet at the shelter could very well turn out to be a high energy, active cat once they know you better. Sometimes it’s hard to predict who a very shy cat will be once they are comfortable again, it’s important to be open to that possibility when adopting a shy cat.

Each cat is an individual! Look for a personality and energy level that works for your lifestyle, the more attention paid to those important factors, the better off you and your new feline friend will be.