Adoption Application - Cat - TLC only Thank you for your interest in adopting a cat! To help find the best match possible, please complete this form. First Name * Last Name * Address * Address Address Address City City State/Province State/Province Zip/Postal Zip/Postal Address Primary Phone * Alternate Phone Email * Date of Birth * Please tell us about your household. How many people do you have in your home? * How many of those people are children? * Do you have small children (5 years or younger) or have small children who frequently visit your home? * Yes No Are the people in your home ready and willing to add a cat member to your family? No Yes Our home is: * Active Quiet/Low-key Somewhere in between We understand a typical cat's life expectancy is 15 years. * No Yes We understand an average annual cost of caring for a cat could be up to $1,000. * No Yes Have you had a cat before? * Yes No Do dogs frequently visit your home? * Yes No Please tell us about your pet history over the past few years. Pet's Name Species/Breed Age Where is your pet now? Currently in our homeDeceasedLiving elsewhere plus Add another pet minus Remove this pet Please tell us about a cat you'd like to adopt. Is indoor/outdoor lifestyle... * A must Doesn't matter Is a lap cat or cuddler... * A must Doesn't matter Is active or playful... * A must Doesn't matter Is talkative or chatty-cat... * A must Doesn't matter Is a quiet cat... * A must Doesn't matter Is a young cat or kitten... * A must Doesn't matter Is an older or senior cat... * A must Doesn't matter Is declawed... * A must Doesn't matter I’m interested in a special needs cat, with known medical needs * No Yes I’m interested in a special needs cat, with behavioral needs (e.g., shy, sassy or rough play personality) * No Yes We'll review the cat's medical history and behavior notes with you. Please let us know any other topics you'd like to discuss. I'd also like to discuss Acclimating this cat to our home Introducing this cat to our resident pets Indoor/Outdoor cat safety tips Litter box use/tips Kitten proofing Toys & fun Nail trimming or other scratching management tips Moving with pets Introducing pets to a baby Do you have a veterinarian already? * Not yet Yes, and here's the vet practice name:Yes, and here's the vet practice name: If you're interested in a particular cat, please write her/his name here (Please note this doesn't place a hold on the cat, and we cannot guarantee adoption): Have you visited this cat yet? Yes, I've visited this cat No, I have not visited this cat - Yes, add me to the HSHV email list for the latest promotions and updates from HSHV. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ