According to U.S census data, the average American moves 11 times in their lifetime. When we relocate, our dogs are leaving their familiar place behind. This can be stressful, but there are things we can do to prepare and help them adjust to their new environment.

Before the move:

  • Keep your dog’s routine consistent.
  • Be sure your pup is microchipped, wearing a collar, and the information is updated.
  • Take them to visit the new place a few times before the official move, if possible. Encourage positive associations with the new home by giving plenty of treats and engaging in activities your dog enjoys.
  • Pet-proof the new house by securing screens, windows, gates, doors, and checking fences for any gaps or damage.
  • Consider talking to your vet about situational anxiety medications, if needed.

During the move:

  • Keep your dog in a secure area or with a familiar person during the bulk of the moving when doors are left open, and boxes are piled everywhere.
  • Avoid leaving your pup unsupervised in an unsecure area of the new home or backyard (even if the fence is secure).
  • Give your dog enrichment and activities to help relieve stress and keep them occupied.

After the move:

  • Have a designated area with your dog’s crate, bed, and some toys. Having a safe and familiar area will help them be more comfortable while they adjust to the new home.
  • Stay home as much as possible in the first week.
  • Be sure to continue your dog’s usual routines for walks, potty time, and feeding.

Give your pup plenty of attention and positive interactions with their favorite things in the new environment.