On December 10, 2024, our Animal Cruelty Investigation and Emergency Rescue team responded to a call from the Sheriff’s Department asking for assistance with a wild turkey. There were concerns that this turkey, living in a busy parking lot, was in danger of being hit by a car, and there were also complaints from community members about aggressive behavior.

HSHV assisted in this situation with only one intention — to help with relocation — and had the ability to do so immediately. However, unbeknownst to us, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) was already on scene, as were several Milan Police Officers. Although we offered alternatives to preserve this animal’s well-being, the MDNR ordered the turkey be destroyed due to “habituation.”  They would not allow for release or relocation. They intended to shoot the turkey in a nearby park. 

Our only role was to offer an alternative method of killing that we considered more humane, to be put down gently at the shelter. Although we are vehemently against the killing of healthy wild animals, the MDNR would not allow any other options. Instead of being shot by the MDNR Officer, our team transported the turkey to HSHV, where he was humanely euthanized under direct supervision of the MDNR Officer.

We thank our community for their care and love for all animals, wild and domestic. We encourage everyone to support wildlife through actions such as preserving habitats, not feeding wild animals or taking selfies with them, and advocating for more humane wildlife laws, practices and nonviolent coexistence.