We had lost our 16 year old whippet in October 2020, and my husband and I wanted to wait for at least a year before we get a new dog. Days went to months of grieving, and our house was never the same.
A week before my birthday on February 25, 2021 my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I just said I wanted to adopt a dog. I knew we’d agreed to wait, we’re not replacing Alex, there’s a lot of dogs at the shelter waiting for their forever home. On Feb. 26 we went to HSHV and saw Rusty, but someone had put a hold on him and he wasn’t available 😔
We went home and I called to check if Rusty had been picked up, and was told to check the next the day. Next day we went back to HSHV at 11am hoping that he was still there, but he was still on hold 😭 It wasn’t meant for us to get a dog. I went to use the ladies room. Someone then approached my husband and told him they called the person who put a hold Rusty, and that he was now available! We immediately went to see Rusty and took him home. Rusty was my best birthday gift! He’s so sweet, smart and goofy, he enjoys his backyard. We are so lucky to have him.