The Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV) applauds the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners for the Washtenaw County Resolution in Support of Teddy’s Law passed Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
The resolution notes that though it is standard practice for research facilities to kill the dogs and cats “at the end of their use… companion animals used in research can and should be given a chance at finding a loving home.”
“Teddy’s Law,” named after a former research beagle, was introduced into the Michigan State House by Representatives Kevin Hertel (D) and Tommy Brann (R) over a year ago, but has stalled. It requires labs to offer healthy dogs and cats to shelters for adoption. Thirteen other states have passed similar laws.
“We are deeply grateful to the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners for their support of this issue and for their compassion for animals in general,” says Tanya Hilgendorf, HSHV’s CEO.
“These are animals who have lived their lives in cages, enduring ceaseless pain and distress for industries still doing unnecessary animal testing,” adds Hilgendorf. “They’ve never had a name, been given a toy, or even walked on a leash. Most of the dogs used are beagles—chosen for their gentle, sweet and forgiving nature.”
“Offering adoption—a chance at a happy life—is really the least we can do for dogs and cats who have suffered and sacrificed so much. There are so many wonderful people out there eager to adopt. And if Teddy’s Law passes, which we hope it will,” says Hilgendorf, “HSHV and many other shelters stand ready to take in, care for, and place these innocent and deserving animals into loving homes.”