Thank you for reporting an animal lost or found. Accuracy is crucial; a wrong breed or color can lead to a missed match!

Warning! Use caution if you are contacted by someone claiming to have found your pet and asks you for a reward in exchange for the animal. This is a common con and should be reported to your local law enforcement.

Lost & Found Report
See examples at the bottom of this page.
See a list of dog breeds at
Don't know the cross streets? Google Maps can help!
If we receive a call from someone reporting they have found your animal, do we have your permission to give your first name and phone number to the finder? *


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Please include your contact information, below. We will never sell or give away your information. HSHV may contact you for clarification of information on this form. Your first name and phone number may be given out in the event we make a match with a lost/found animal.
