When bringing a kitten home, there are a few easy steps that you can follow to keep your little bundle of fluff safe in their new environment. It’s best to take a look around before you bring your kitten home. The real secret to kitten-proofing is to look at your home through the eyes of a cat. Find everything that looks like a fun toy, and if it’s something harmful, get rid of it or make it safe.
Having her home prepared for her arrival will make the transition much easier for all of you!
- Look around your house first, at high shelves and low cupboards and hidden nooks. Do you see things that kitty might break, or harmful substances she might ingest? Places she might hide and become trapped?
- Block off any tempting hiding spots as best possible. Kittens love to explore, and they may find themselves in a spot they can’t get out of!!
- Fold and secure your window blinds cord with a rubber band, out of kitty’s reach. If she gets tangled up in it, she could strangle.
- Kittens are wonderful little packrats. If you don’t want to find your floors littered with garbage, invest in covered wastebaskets and kitchen garbage containers.
- Always keep the door to your washer and dryer closed, and double-check inside before using them. Cats like to find dark, warm places to sleep, and the results could be tragic.
- Keep the floor clean of stray rubber bands, ribbon and twine. All are hazardous when ingested by a kitten.
- Keep cupboard doors and dresser drawers securely closed. Cats can find all kinds of mischief inside, and can be injured if you close a drawer and the kitten is behind it. Use child-safe fasteners for kitchen cabinets.
- Cloth drapes are better left out of reach of your furry ‘curtain-climber’. Tie them up securely until your kitten is trained to a scratching post.
- Keep your toilet lid down at all times, lest kitty fall in or drink from it.
- Cover electric cords, such as the tangle from your computer, with covers sold for that purpose.
- There are a number of household plants poisonous to cats..
- Remove all breakable valuables from high shelves and store them in a cabinet with a door.
- Use animal-safe insect repellant. Commercial roach and ant poison will kill cats if ingested.