I had just lost my sweet Sid who I ‘d had for 16 years. I was regularly looking at the HSHV website, just to think about cats. I had no intention of adopting. I saw Snapdragon and she captured my heart. When I went to meet her she crawled right into my lap and solicited pets from me. I decided to get her. The adoption expert clearly thought I was going to change my mind when I heard about Snapdragon’s health issues but it just bolstered my opinion that she needed me. At her first vet appointment, the doctor said I might have her for a few years. Regardless of the amount of time we have together, I am so glad to give her a loving and happy end of her life.

Now that she is comfortable at her forever home, she’s a little weirdo in the absolute best way. She sits on her toy mice and won’t move once she’s got one. She pats me on my arm while I’m doing my makeup for attention. She tries to climb on my shoulder like a little cat parrot. She walks on my head and licks my hair while I’m asleep. She sleeps in my clean clothes basket.

Five days after getting Snapdragon, I found a little orange four month old kitten on the street by my house. I had a short crisis. What if THIS was supposed to be my cat? I took him to HSHV so he could be treated for his respiratory infection. He was adopted almost as soon as he was listed. That was the legacy of my Sid: having the space in my heart to take in Snapdragon and save the little orange kitten for someone else to love.