This picture was taken a few hours after bringing him home- as you can see, he immediately made himself comfortable. It seems like he’s lived here forever, and it’s only been 3 weeks. He loves running laps through the house and chasing my other cat; while they’re not really friends, they’ve batted paws with escalation only to mild hissing, so it seems like they’re working things out. He’s tried climbing the curtains, regularly tips over the cat tree, jumps on top of doors, drags empty plastic bags all over the house, and sens out messages by walking across my laptop
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Monthly Archives April 2020
Great Choice
It’s the 2nd day of adoption, and things couldn’t be better. Apollo took about 4 or 5 hours to set her boundaries with the larger dogs, but now that has been set. She slept right next to my bed all night just as I hoped she would, as you know she will be a support dog for me. Sshe is not aggressive at all around food. All my dogs have their own dishes and she was eating out of one of them when Jezzie (my Mastiff) started drinking water right next to her – she didn’t even look up, just
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From the runt to king of his castle
We adopted RJ in 2015 as soon as we could. We knew his foster parents, so we’d met him, his siblings, and his stray mama. He was the runt and we were so worried about him when he stopped eating after his neuter surgery. We shouldn’t have worried, because he’s now about 16 pounds of pure muscle! He’s polydactyl and his hands and feet are an endless source of amusement to all. He has a German Shepherd sister and a new baby cat sister, and he likes to strut around like a bulldog letting everyone know he (thinks he) is
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Three legs and one big heart
Remy came to HSHV on the Love Train. When I arrived there were three puppies who were still up for adoption, and Remy was one of them. He was in the corner, missing fur, full of wrinkles and a shy wagging tail. I fell in love right then and there. Remy chose me, and he came to me with fleas, demodectic mange, kennel cough, skin infection, etc. etc. With help from HSHV, we were able to nurse the boy back to health! At two years old Remy was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. It broke my heart to hear that dreaded news.
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Returning to work? How to prepare your dog
[print-me] Is your dog actually loving the current stay-at-home order? Pets may be the one part of the population who are not minding this new routine, as now they have you all to themselves all day long! While you are hopefully enjoying all this extra time with your pets, you may have concerns about how your puppy or dog is going to adjust when things start to return to normal and we are leaving during the day again. Now is the time to start working on preparing your dog for this eventual change. First, set up a special
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Happy 12th Birthday Capriccio!
Today we celebrate Capriccio’s 12th birthday! 11.5 years ago my mom adopted Capriccio from HSHV for me, and he has been with me ever since! He has moved 9 times and currently lives with our little family in Maryland. A year and a half ago we brought home his brother Sterling, a husky, who has since become his best friend. They both spend all day together either napping, playing tag or even sun bathing together. I can’t thank the humane society enough for bringing this joy into my life. He has stuck by my side through everything these past 12
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Found Love Again
My very first “adulthood” pet was a pitbull named Bella. Kind, gentle, obedient and so snuggly, my best friend before I had kids and even more so after I had two of them. She saddly passed away at only 8 years old. So attached and distraught, I told myself I’d never love or have another dog again, I just couldn’t handle the broken heart. A couple months passed, home was not the same. I missed everything about her. I mentioned looking into an adoption, but unsure if I was ready… October 4th, I ran out to run errands while secretly
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Older is Cool!
I was interested in several different older cats and came to the shelter to check them out. I liked all of them, but this one was very affectionate through his cage and kept wanting me to pet him. I decided he was for me! I brought him home that same day and he settled in after about 4 hours, like he had lived here his whole life! Our first anniversary date is April 22. Great cat! Butternut now Squeaker
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Yogi Rescued our Family
After losing our 12 year old chocolate lab, Lola, we were heartbroken. After a couple months, we heard about HSHV’s Love Train, where we found Yogi. He has brought us so much love, mischief, and sweetness that we can’t imagine life without him. He came into my family’s life and helped repair our broken hearts. We are patiently waiting for the next Love Train to bring home a playmate for Yogi.
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Rey finds her Home
I’ll never forget coming in to look at the animals with my mom (a favorite pastime of ours) and seeing this adorable smooshy puppy sleeping in the back of her cage. I sat next to her and slowly coaxed her to the front, where she then licked my hands. I asked to visit with her and when the volunteer brought her outside, she said, “she’s very shy, so you might have to be patient with her.” I kneeled down and she leapt into my arms! That’s when I knew I had to have her. I spent the rest of the
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