Does your dog avoid or react to strangers? Bark, growl, run away, or hide? Here’s what we suggest. (Note: Please consult with a professional trainer for biting.) Prepare Yourself Make sure you are familiar with the dog’s behavioral history, what has and has not worked in previous introductions. Use correct equipment (collar/harness and non-retractable leash) and have high-value treats with you. Have a helper with you when introducing a dog that may struggle with new people. The helper can assist with handling the dog if there are problems, coach the guest and narrate what they are observing, provide a second
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Archives for Puppy or dog
Dog gone car sickness
Car sickness is a fairly common problem, especially among puppies. To prevent a potentially life-long fear of cars, follow these tips.
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Winter’s a great time to flirt with your dog
Wondering how to exercise your dog in winter? Try flirting! A flirt pole, that is! Flirt poles are like oversized cat wand toys with a fleece or plush toy at the end. And dogs go bonkers for them!
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Wait… why doesn’t my dog like dogs anymore?
It is a common scenario – the three year-old dog that used to be the life of the dog park is now less interested in romping with the group.
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Holidays not so fun for your pup?
Many of the “pandemic puppies” who were adopted since March 2020 may be experiencing their first holidays with larger family get-togethers this year now that vaccines are more widespread.
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What “fine” looks like
When we say our pets are “fine,” we need to explain what “fine” looks like. Animals can have different fear responses, which include the well-known “fight or flight” behaviors, but also “fret” and “freeze.”
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Why all the barking?
“How do I stop my dog from barking?” is a common question trainers get. To answer that, the first things we need to know are 1) in what type of situations is your dog barking, and 2) what need are they trying to meet? Dogs bark for a lot of reasons: boredom, fear, attention, excitement, etc. In any of these cases, the focus shouldn’t be on stopping the behavior, but instead, thinking about meeting the dog’s need before the barking starts. For good tips on addressing different types of barking, check out this blog post: Avoid devices or methods
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Can you give a dog or cat aspirin?
While pain relievers can be very important for our furry friends, don’t reach to your medicine cabinet for help.
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Should you rub that doggie belly?
It is a story that trainers often hear: “My dog rolled over asking for a belly rub from the neighbor, and then out of the blue bit her when she touched him.”
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How to keep kids’ toys from becoming dog chews
In homes with children and dogs, it sometimes can be challenging to keep kid’s toys from becoming dog chew things, especially during the holidays or birthdays when toys are all over the place. Here are a few tips for keeping your kids’ (or your own) things safe from your dog’s jaws!
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