Volunteer @ HSHV (main shelter)

Upcoming Dates:

  • March 2025 Dates
      • FULL M/W Classes 4-6pm: March 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th
      • FULL T/Th Classes 4-6pm: March 4th, 6th, 11th, 13th, 18th, 20th
  • April 2025 Dates
      • M/W Classes 4-6pm: April 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd
      • T/Th Classes 4-6pm: April 8th, 10th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th
  • May 2025 Dates
      • M/W Classes 4-6pm: May 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st
      • T/Th Classes 4-6pm: May 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 20th, 22nd
  • Summer 2025 Dates TBD



Questions? Email volunteers@hshv.org 

Registration opens:

  • March Session: February 10th @ 8am
  • April Session: March 10th @ 8am
  • May Session: April 14th @ 8am
  • Summer Sessions: TBD

Due to the popularity of the program, there are no refunds or transfers for sessions once registration is completed. 

Please know that the demand for this program outweighs our capacity. While we do our best to offer a space to each interested family, please know that you may need to wait a few months before being able to register. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Participants must be able to attend all dates of the selected class. Make-up dates are not available, and a missed class will prohibit completion of the program. We’re sorry, but all program fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to other class dates.


Registration is done online only, so please do not call or come up to HSHV or the Tiny Lions cat café to register.  Registration will automatically open approximately 30 days prior to the start date of each session. We are no longer using a lottery system to register for this program.

All youth must be age 12 or older prior to registering. The $195 fee for the program is due at the time of registration. This fee helps offset the costs of supplies and allows us to direct more money toward the care of our animals. If the fee is a financial strain, please do not worry; we still want you to join our team and scholarship opportunities are available.

Please read the consent form for information regarding allergies, details, etc. prior to registration.

Youth are required to attend all six classes of their scheduled program.  Program fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to other sessions should a conflict arise.

Returning Junior Volunteers: For everyone’s safety, Junior Volunteers who have gone inactive for 6+ months will be required to register for and take the JV six session training program. To register, go to the general registration page using the link below and click “Register for the Junior Volunteer Program.” Then, select “Returning Junior Volunteer” for a discounted registration rate. We’re sorry – we are unable to make any exceptions to this policy. Questions? Email volunteers@hshv.org.

Junior Volunteers are Making a Difference!

Working alongside our Humane Education and Volunteer Department Staff,  youth learn procedures, policies and safety in working with and caring for animals throughout the 6-session JV program.

About the JV program

If you’re an animal lover between the ages of 12-17, we’d love for you to join our Junior Volunteers (JV) team!

Through this program, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about animal welfare, work with shelter animals and form new friendships with others your age. Each session consists of humane education activities, mentoring and training by humane education staff and volunteers, and hands-on volunteer time to give back to the homeless animals in our care.  Though this program is so much more than volunteering, registered youth who join our JV team will receive volunteer hours for their work, which can be used towards required community service hours. Once the six training classes are complete, JV’s can volunteer at the shelter independently on a variety of days and times.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Junior Volunteer Program

1. How old do youth have to be to participate in the program?

All youth need to be between the ages of 12-17. We require that youth are at least 12 years old prior to registration. Youth who about to turn 18 within 6 months of our program may wish to wait and attend our adult volunteer orientation.

2. Can I register ahead of time?

Registration is done online only and can only be done after the day and time that registration opens. Registration typically fills up quickly, so we recommend being on the website right when registration opens to secure a place in our program. Registration links will appear on this page.

3. When will your next class be held?

The program is offered throughout the year, monthly. Registration occurs 1-2 months prior to the start of class, and the dates/times are updated on our website accordingly. We typically know the dates for upcoming sessions about 90 days ahead of time.

4. Is there a fee for the program?

The fee for the 6-week program at HSHV (our main shelter) is $195 per student. This fee includes the training classes, a T-shirt, continuing education classes and programs and educational materials and supplies. Limited scholarships are available for families who demonstrate financial need as we do not want finances to be a barrier for those who wish to complete the program.

5. Can I miss a class and still complete the program?

We require youth to attend all classes of their scheduled program. If they miss a class, students will need to make it up with the next group, which would mean waiting 2 months or more to complete the program. We do not offer individual make-up sessions at this time. If you are unable to attend all of the scheduled classes, we suggest waiting for the next session.

6. Will this program allow my child to volunteer at Tiny Lions cat café?

The JV program will primarily focus on volunteering at our main shelter. However, after a JV has reached their Paw 2 milestone, they will have the opportunity to learn the volunteer roles at Tiny Lions and start volunteering there as well.

7. What happens after the program has been completed?

After JV’s successfully complete all training classes in their program, they will be able to come back to the shelter to volunteer independently, without a parent/guardian present. JV’s will be able to volunteer as often as they like, based on our provided schedule of available volunteer times. Volunteer opportunities are available 7 days a week at the shelter, and 6 days a week at Tiny Lions, and are typically 1 or 2-hour shifts. JV volunteer assignments include cat comforting, dog visitation, shelter cleaning, humane education support (e.g., working as a camp counselor), cat feeding, making enrichment toys/treats and helping with offsite events. JV’s are asked to make a 2-4 hour per month commitment after completing the program.  We do require volunteers to come in at least once every 90 days to stay active. Once a volunteer’s account goes inactive they will be required to complete the training program again before returning to volunteering.


When a session is full, you will be able to add your name to the waitlist. Please click on the registration button, select your desired session and enter your email address to be added to the waitlist. Waitlist spots are filled in the order they are received and notifications are sent via email. Each family will have 48 hours to respond to the email and/or register for the program. We’re sorry – we are not able to predict when openings will occur or how many there will be after registration has taken place.

Scholarship Information

Limited scholarships are available for students in financial need who would not otherwise be able to participate in the program. See our scholarship page for more information, deadlines and the application.