Monthly Archives September 2020

Lydia’s Flower Sale

Lydia is awesome! They wanted to help out the cats at HSHV because they are Lydia’s favorite animal. Lydia decided to organize a flower sale. Lydia was able to raise and donate $54 to help our cats! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity, Lydia!
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Building A Community Around Your Colony

September 10, 2020 – Adding on to last month’s post on pre-scouting the area to help ID cats, another helpful step to take can be talking with members in the community about what they see and know about the cat population to help paint a fuller picture of the size/range of the population.   Before going out in the area it is best to be prepared with talking points on why TNR is the most effective and most humane way to reduce the cat population, and having handouts ready to give out is always a plus! At the very least
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Perfect Match!

Jazz was abandoned and then isolated due to some possible health concerns. She must not have received as much love due to the possibility of being contagious. My husband and I were looking for a loving pet to bring into our home. We both saw her in her kennel kneading her paws, and instantly fell in love! She had some issues at first, but she is the most playful, loving kitty you will ever meet once she develops trust!!! Sherbert now Jazz
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Nala’s big comeback

My girlfriend and I had been living together for a while and decided maybe we should go look at dogs. Originally, we both wanted a puppy but decided that would be a lot with our busy lives. We went a few times and didn’t see any dogs who were somewhat calm. The last time we went, we saw Nala (Patty at the time). She was very hesitant and shy, and it looked like she’d had babies recently. My girlfriend and I talked about it for a bit, and took her for a walk around their facility. Nala started off being
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The perfect addition to our family

It’s only been a week and I already can’t imagine our lives without her! When we met Toast (formerly known as Caddie) at the shelter she crawled right into my lap and wanted endless head scratches and chin rubs. During her first few days at home she remained that extremely cuddly cat, but now her goofy personality is blooming: a ton of zoomies, lots of meowing and chirping, and so many cuddles. She’s completely adjusted to her new home with our two toddlers and we couldn’t be happier. Caddie now Toast
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I think we are both very Lucky

Betty and I met at the Humane Society of Huron Valley 8 years ago. I was recently retired and Betty was recently abandoned. She has been a great addition to my life and hopefully vice versa. She has received excellent veterinary care at the HSHV Clinic, and fortunately – for her as well as me – she has been in good health her entire life. I hope we are together for many years to come. Poppy now Betty
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Dogs have a 3-second rule, too!

  Most dogs enjoy petting, but even the cuddliest dog has times when simply not in the mood!  Prolonged touching can be overstimulating to some dogs, and can make others uncomfortable or stressed.  When dogs don’t feel able to move away – which they may not when in physical contact with us – they may resort to telling us to back off in less desirable ways. Give dogs a way of “opting in” to social contact by using the “3-second rule” of petting.  Pet for no more than three seconds, then stop.  Does the dog nudge you or move into
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Sassy cats!

Lots of people know or love what could be called a “sassy” cat. Often, when we say “sassy,” we mean a cat who just doesn’t like to be petted for too long, or has certain parts of their bodies that they object to being handled. These guys are usually cats who also feel pretty uncomfortable when we try to pick them up. Commonly, any of these actions performed by a human will result in a nip or bite. Before that bite, though, we’ve probably missed a whole series of behaviors and body language cues that were telling us to stop
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Rescue dogs heal broken hearts

As a dog walker, I knew Harriet. I had walked her, spent time with her. The sweet Pittie mix momma dog who was abandoned, along with her puppies, she had been tied to a pole . It’s ironic because in 2007 I rescued two pittie puppies who had been tied to a tree and abondoned. My sweet Izzy lived to be 9 and George lived to be 12. The second irony was when George passed (and shattered my heart). He had been ill for sometime, but his passing came unexpectedly on June 22 2019, the same day the adoption hold
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The dog we didn’t know we needed!

3 years ago, our cat of 18 years passed away. After the extreme morning period, my daughters and I finally felt ready to donate her food to HSHV. It was a Wednesday morning. The girls wanted to look at the dogs before we left. After doing a lap, we were ready to leave when one of the volunteers informed us that the Love Train was coming on Friday. I chuckled and told my daughters that the last thing we needed was a puppy, as we had a 15 year old blind and deaf Yorkie at home. Friday comes, and we
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