Archives for Kitten or cat

4 things everyone should consider before adopting a second (or third…) cat

Thinking of adding a cat or kitten to your feline crew at home? Here are some things to consider: Energy Level! – Adopting a kitten or cat with a similar energy level to the resident cat(s) is generally the best fit. Have a cat who lived with cats previously but it’s been a long time? Pick a cat with a positive known history with other cats. Cats don’t automatically like other cats just because they liked another cat at one time; the introductions still need to be slow and managed. Adopting a kitten for an older cat who’s lost a companion or to liven
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Troubleshooting Cat to Cat or Kitten to Cat Introductions

The decision to adopt a new cat or kitten is a big one, especially when you’ve already got an adult cat or two in the home. Folks often say that adopting a young cat or kitten can help an adult cat who’s lost a feline companion or can invigorate an adult or even elderly cat but, often, this can lead to a strong stress response in the adult, resident cat. An adult cat with an unknown history with other cats, an elderly cat who’s been the only cat for a long time, or even a cat who’s lived with other
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Cat Clicker Training Basics

  Before you can begin any clicker training work with your cat, you’ll need to introduce the clicker to her. The purpose of this initial training is to teach her that the sound of the click means something wonderful is about to happen…. in the form of a very tasty treat. First the cat will learn that the sound of the clicker is associated with a great food motivator, once they’ve become comfortable with that, we’ll move on to using clicker training to encourage behaviors that we’d like to see happen with more frequency.   What do you need? A
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How to Help Your Door Dashing Cat

  Does your cat lie in wait for you to open any door to the outside world? Perhaps your cat is quite obvious about this, always lounging at this door, making a break for it as soon as you open the door? Or, is your cat the kind who hides somewhere nearby, running at full speed from his hiding spot once the door is open? Does your cat run for freedom as soon as you open the door, arms full of groceries, unable to stop him? Why does your cat do this and what can you do to help diminish the
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Cat Enrichment Ideas During Times of Change or Stress

[print-me]   It’s been an uncertain time for all of us – including the kitties in our lives. We’re home more and our cats are likely wondering why their nap schedule has been suddenly thrown off by human intervention.  Cats thrive on schedule/routine, and even if they’re used to you being home, they’re likely not used to you being home ALL of the time, and their normalcy can be easily disrupted.  Cats may respond to this change in many ways, like being active at times they’re usually not (cat suddenly waking you up at night?), vocalizing more than normal, seeking
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Tips for Resolving Litterbox Problems

Why Do Some Cats Eliminate Outside the Litter Box? Litter box use problems in cats can be diverse and complex. Behavioral treatments are often effective, but the treatments must be tailored to the cat’s specific problem. Be certain to read the entire article to help you identify your particular cat’s problem and to familiarize yourself with the different resolution approaches to ensure success with your cat.   Litter box Management Problems If your cat isn’t comfortable with her litter box or can’t easily access it, she probably won’t use it. The following common litter-box problems might cause her to eliminate
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Choosing a place to board your pet

Choosing a safe and responsible boarding home or facility for your beloved pet is an important part of planning a getaway. With many unregulated and unlicensed homes and facilities providing these services, your pet’s health and safety can be put at risk. So how do you pick? Here are a few things to consider: 1. Word of Mouth. Unfortunately, anyone can run a boarding facility and can do so without regulation. And websites that match families with pet boarders do very little to enforce quality care. Testimony from those we trust can often be a good safeguard in choosing someone
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Cost of Owning a Cat

[print-me] When you think about the annual cost of care for your cat, there are several things to consider. Cats can live an average of 10-18 years, although some cats may even live into their twenties. Below are general price ranges for the things your cat will need over the course of his/her life. Food Most cats are fine with a typical feline pet food that you can buy at specialty pet stores or even grocery stores. It is important to pay attention to the ingredient list on your cat’s food because often times, you get what you pay for.
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