Please remember: your new kitten could be frightened and confused, even if they were happy and outgoing when you met them at the shelter.
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Archives for New Adopter Packet
How to help a fearful kitty
To help a fearful kitty, the best thing you can do is to give that cat a safe room to call home, go slowly and be prepared with a lot of great food motivators.
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When Problems Arise With Your New Cat
It’s not uncommon to see some quirky or concerning behavior not long after bringing your newly adopted cat or kitten home.
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Troubleshooting Cat to Cat or Kitten to Cat Introductions
The decision to adopt a new cat or kitten is a big one, especially when you’ve already got an adult cat or two in the home. Folks often say that adopting a young cat or kitten can help an adult cat who’s lost a feline companion or can invigorate an adult or even elderly cat but, often, this can lead to a strong stress response in the adult, resident cat. An adult cat with an unknown history with other cats, an elderly cat who’s been the only cat for a long time, or even a cat who’s lived with other
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Tips for Resolving Litterbox Problems
Why Do Some Cats Eliminate Outside the Litter Box? Litter box use problems in cats can be diverse and complex. Behavioral treatments are often effective, but the treatments must be tailored to the cat’s specific problem. Be certain to read the entire article to help you identify your particular cat’s problem and to familiarize yourself with the different resolution approaches to ensure success with your cat. Litter box Management Problems If your cat isn’t comfortable with her litter box or can’t easily access it, she probably won’t use it. The following common litter-box problems might cause her to eliminate
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Rabbit Care
Basic Handling Always support a rabbit’s hind end- they have very powerful back muscles and if they kick their legs too hard they could actually break their own back. It’s best to handle rabbits while wrapped in a towel. Reading Rabbits: Quick Tips Behavior Possible Meaning Sitting in a corner and panting Stress Panting Overheated Inactive Depressed, may be sign of health problem Ears laid back suddenly May soon box or nip Pressing belly to floor Gas pain Pressing head into your hand Wants head to be “groomed” Stomping feet Anger, fear, “danger” signal for other bunnies Tooth grinding (gentle)
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Cost of Owning a Cat
When you think about the annual cost of care for your cat, there are several things to consider. Cats can live an average of 10-18 years, although some cats may even live into their twenties. Below are general price ranges for the things your cat will need over the course of his/her life. Food Most cats are fine with a typical feline pet food that you can buy at specialty pet stores or even grocery stores. It is important to pay attention to the ingredient list on your cat’s food because often times, you get what you pay for. If
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Dog License Information
It is a Michigan State Law to license all dogs. Here are the area Dog License Locations.
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Essential Dog Toys & How to Use Them
The things that are usually the most attractive to dogs are often the very things that are the most dangerous.
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Trimming Cat Claws
[print-me] The act of trimming your cat’s nails can seem like a daunting task, but there is good news: A team of people working with a cat can get a nail trim done in 20 seconds flat. A little trickier is doing this alone, but rest assured, it can be done! Unfortunately, there is also bad news: Many cats are not tolerant of nail trims, and many people are not skilled in the process. Below are some pointers that will hopefully help cat owners keep their cats’ nails trimmed. 1. Know those nails! Most cats have 18 nails (five on
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