Step by Step... Staying Together on Walks
Step by Step… Staying Together on Walks
Taking our dogs for walks is beneficial for many reasons. It allows them to burn energy and engage with mental enrichment through sniffing the environment. It’s a bonding experience that ...
Moving with your dog: What to do before, during and after
Moving with your dog: What to do before, during and after
According to U.S census data, the average American moves 11 times in their lifetime. When we relocate, our dogs are leaving their familiar place behind. This can be stressful, but ...
Person holding a clicker with dog
Why you want to get a D in Dog Training
Working on basic training is a great way to bond with your dog, increase their skillset, build their confidence, and improve their quality of life as well as your own ...
Operation Cooperative Canine (a.k.a., getting a dog's buy-in for basic caregiving)
Operation Cooperative Canine (a.k.a., getting a dog’s buy-in for basic caregiving)
Cooperative care allows your dog to be a willing participant in a necessary activity that involves handling, such as nail trims, eye drops, brushing teeth, etc. It enables them to ...
What's positive reinforcement and why do we use it?
What’s positive reinforcement and why do we use it?
Why do we use positive reinforcement when training and working with our dogs? Positive reinforcement (also known as R+) builds trust and helps strengthen our relationship with the dogs around ...
Calming Your Anxious Dog
Calming Your Anxious Dog
Our staff and volunteers spend hours each day walking the dogs and providing them with mental and physical stimulation that keeps them comfortable and happy during their stay. There are ...
How to "enrich" your dog's life
How to “enrich” your dog’s life
We all know how important enrichment is for our animals. Enrichment gives them the opportunity to engage in natural behaviors and provides them with vital mental and physical stimulation. Sniffing, ...
How to introduce guests to your avoidant or reactive dog
How to introduce guests to your avoidant or reactive dog
Does your dog avoid or react to strangers? Bark, growl, run away, or hide? Here's what we suggest. (Note: Please consult with a professional trainer for biting.) Prepare Yourself Make ...
Treating is Tricky: Making a plan for training
Treating is Tricky: Making a plan for training
The legendary animal trainer Bob Bailey once said, “Training is a mechanical skill.” While it seems like it shouldn’t be complicated, it can be surprisingly tricky to juggle a leash, ...
Are you catching your dog being good?
Are you catching your dog being good?
It is great to have a dog that responds reliably to cues to "sit," "stay," "leave it," "come," etc., but wouldn't it be great if your dog naturally did these ...
Muzzles aren't just for bad dogs...
Muzzles aren’t just for bad dogs…
Muzzles aren’t just for “dangerous dogs.” Any dog could potentially bite if they are injured, in pain, not feeling well, or scared. All dog owners should consider having a well-fitting, ...
Cues, part two: What to do when your dog won't respond.
Cues, part two: What to do when your dog won’t respond.
Our last tip addressed things to consider when a dog is not responding to a trained cue.  We mentioned that the first step is always to rule out whether there ...
Is your dog tough to train?
Is your dog tough to train?
What do we do when a dog doesn’t respond to a cue, or won’t do a behavior we are asking? First and foremost, we want to make sure that there ...
Don't be fooled by a wagging tail...
Don’t be fooled by a wagging tail…
One of the most misunderstood pieces of dog body language is the wagging tail.  Most of us have been taught that a wagging tail is a sign that a dog ...
Does your puppy need socialization... or desensitization?
Does your puppy need socialization… or desensitization?
These days, most of us are aware of the importance of socializing puppies in order to build good associations with the world around them.  But what do you do if ...
What's gotten into my pup?
What’s gotten into my pup?
Many dog owners are familiar with the “puppy witching hour” – that period of time in the evening where your dog suddenly seems to have an excess of energy to ...
Do dogs love us back?
Do dogs love us back?
When we look at those puppy dog eyes, wiggly body, and wagging tail, we can’t help but believe that our dogs love us as much as we love them.  But ...
When hugging hurts
When hugging hurts
The internet is filled with pictures of people hugging their dogs, but have you ever taken a close look at those images?  The humans in these photos often look happy ...
Your dog: "Will work for food."
Your dog: “Will work for food.”
Did you know that dogs (and, it appears, all animals) are “contra-freeloaders”? This curious phenomenon means that given the option, they would choose to perform a behavior to acquire food ...
What hackles mean
What hackles mean
You've heard the expression, "Don't get your hackles up!" And you've probably seen your dog’s hackles – the fur along their shoulders and spine – stand on end.  Known as ...
Dog-friendly landscaping
Dog-friendly landscaping
With the current long summer days, many of our dogs may be enjoying more time outside in the yard with us.  However, you may find that your dogs has begun ...
Think teaching a dog tricks is silly? Think again...
Think teaching a dog tricks is silly? Think again…
People often differentiate between “obedience” training for their dogs, and “trick” training.  Often we minimize behaviors that we label as “tricks,”  when in fact they can be very useful skills ...
Separation anxiety is treatable!
Separation anxiety is treatable!
As people are increasingly going back to the office, many dog parents are concerned about their pet experiencing separation anxiety.  Separation anxiety is a fairly common behavior issue, but often ...
Why your dog rolls in (stinky) stuff
Why your dog rolls in (stinky) stuff
It never fails – no sooner does Fido return from the groomer looking clean and smelling fresh then he finds something gross and stinky to roll in.  You see him ...
Dog gone car sickness
Dog gone car sickness
Does your puppy tend to drool excessively or even vomit when riding in a car? Car sickness is a fairly common problem, especially among puppies.  Over time, most puppies will ...
Winter's a great time to flirt with your dog
Winter’s a great time to flirt with your dog
As the winter weeks go on, many people and dogs are starting to get cabin fever. Snow and ice and frigid temperatures may be making it more difficult to get ...
Wait... why doesn't my dog like dogs anymore?
Wait… why doesn’t my dog like dogs anymore?
It is a common scenario – the three year-old dog that used to be the life of the dog park is now less interested in romping with the group.  To ...
Should you rub that doggie belly?
Should you rub that doggie belly?
It is a story that trainers often hear: “My dog rolled over asking for a belly rub from the neighbor, and then out of the blue bit her when she ...
How to keep kids' toys from becoming dog chews
How to keep kids’ toys from becoming dog chews
In homes with children and dogs, it sometimes can be challenging to keep kid’s toys from becoming dog chew things, especially during the holidays or birthdays when toys are all ...
[Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash]
How to get your dog to trim his own nails (Part 1)
Do you and your dog both dread toe-nail trims?  Then why not give your dog the opportunity to give themselves a pedicure on their own by making it into a ...
[Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash]
How to get your dog to file his own nails (part 2)
(Did you miss Part 1?) We show you how to train your dog to file their own nails by swiping at a sandpaper board... and while it is often relatively ...
Cat in suitcase
Choosing a place to board your pet
Choosing a safe and responsible boarding home or facility for your beloved pet is an important part of planning a getaway. With many unregulated and unlicensed homes and facilities providing ...
scared and submissive dog
Submissive and Excitement Urination
[print-me] Submissive Urination Submissive urination occurs when a dog feels threatened. It may occur when he’s being punished or verbally scolded, or when he’s approached by someone he perceives to ...
Unusual eating habits in dogs and cats
[print-me] Dogs and cats will sometimes eat socks, rocks or other objects, which may result in a variety of problems for both you and your pet. Not only can your possessions be destroyed or damaged, but objects such as clothing and rocks can produce life-threatening blockages in your pet’s intestines. Eating non food items is called pica. A ...