Scruffing Cats: The Surprising Truth About This Common Handling Myth
As with anything in our ever-changing world, we know so much more about training and working with cats now, and it’s up to us to advocate for best practices when ...
Deck the Halls, Not the Vet Bills: How to Keep Your Cat Safe for the Holidays
With the holidays coming up, there are some special considerations for the beloved felines in our families! From being away from home to having a house full of people, here ...
Can I make my cat a lap cat?
One of the first things people ask when they're adopting a new cat is whether or not the cat is a lap cat. The truth is that many adult cats ...
The care and handling of a new kitten
With kitten season in full swing, here are some tips to help you and your newly adopted kitten be as successful as possible! If possible, adopt two kittens! The best ...
How to pick the right cat for you
You've decided you're ready to adopt a cat! How do you pick the right one? Here are some tips to keep in mind when looking for the best fit possible ...
Cat-astrophic eating
Do you have a cat who gulps their food, sometimes so quickly that they almost immediately vomit it back up? (Also known as "scarf and barf"ing?) Or maybe you have ...
Can you change your cat?
Do you live with a cat who has a behavior that makes your relationship difficult? Here are some simple tips to help work with your cat to modify a behavior ...
How to help your one and only kitten
While it may be hard to find peer-reviewed data on what we in the animal welfare industry call "single kitten syndrome," anecdotally, we've all seen it time and time again ...
How to choose your kitty
It can be overwhelming when you come to the shelter looking for a cat or kitten to adopt. You may wonder what kind of feline will work best for your ...
Unmasking Cat Litterbox Problems
Cats get surrendered each year because of litterbox problems. We sympathize with both the cats and the people; no one wants a cat thinking (of their bathroom) outside the box! ...
Are those cats playing… or fighting?
It can often be difficult to understand if your cats are playing or fighting, causing concern for a lot of cat owners, foster parents and folks working with cats in ...
Why does my cat chirp?
Does your cat chatter or chirp at birds, toys or bugs? Find out what it means and how you can turn it into an opportunity to play! Have you witnessed ...
Should you get a catio?
Everyone’s talking about catios these days, and for good reason. Allowing your cat to engage in species specific behaviors, in the “wild,” can be so therapeutic for so many cats ...
Good felines: How to bring a new cat or kitten home
With so many cats and kittens finding homes as the cat season speeds up, there are some important things that you may want to know about bringing a new cat ...
Fun with Food for Cats
Feeding puzzles and feeding toys for cats can be a game changer if you have a cat who needs to be encouraged to eat more slowly. Such toys and puzzles ...
Danger: Cat’s tummy
It’s an often-repeated tip, but not as often followed: "Never pet a cat’s tummy!” What does this mean, and why does it happen? As you know, some cats do love ...
How to play with your cat (Yep, there’s a right way)
Making sure that you have plenty of playtime with your cat is extremely important. We know that lack of playtime and enrichment can lead to your cat becoming bored or ...
How to have a Merry Catmas
With the holidays coming up, we all want to make sure we’re including our cats as much as possible. After all, they’re part of the family, too! And while there ...
Are holistics for cats worth the hype?
With folks in many ways making a more holistic move towards self-care, many cat owners are looking for the same for their cats. There are so many cat “remedies” on ...
Does your cat want another cat?
When thinking of adding a new adult cat to your home, there are some things you should consider, as well as some preparation that you’ll want to do before you ...
Should I adopt one or two kittens?
Are two better than one? While there's an added expense of food and medical care, here are the top five reasons to consider adopting two kittens instead of one: 1 ...
Watering your cat
It’s no secret that cats are full of quirky and fun behaviors that can be hard to understand. One of those quirky behaviors is your cat drinking from the faucet ...
Cat got Spring Fever?
Does it seem like your cat suddenly has a case of Spring fever? Is he more energetic? Meowing loudly at the windows? Trying to escape when a door opens? Maybe ...
5 things to have before bringing a kitten home
It's kitten season, and we're welcoming adopters a plenty! Besides lots of love and a warm lap, here are 5 things you should have before adopting a kitty. 1. A ...
How to meet a cat
We’re used to hearing the rules on how to meet a dog we don’t know. Parents teach their kids how to approach an unknown dog from the time they’re small, ...
Are my kitties playing or fighting?
Have you recently adopted a pair of cats or kittens, or added a new cat to your already multiple cat home? Is it sometimes hard to know if your cats ...
How to improve your relationship with your cat
Cat guru Jackson Galaxy recently spoke about some ways to live the best life with your beloved cat, and his tips are a great place to start when thinking of ...
Training your… cat?
More and more, cat owners are understanding that there’s more to living with a cat than just caring for their physical needs. The word is out that cats love training ...
Why do cats purr?
It’s a long contested question, one that we’re getting closer to being able to answer, but it does remain one of the mysteries of the cat world to some degree ...
Cat got the zoomies? Should you be concerned?
Most people are familiar with the concept of dog “zoomies,” but it’s not as widely known that cats can, and do, absolutely have the zoomies, too. Those moments when your ...
4 things everyone should consider before adopting a second (or third…) cat
Thinking of adding a cat or kitten to your feline crew at home? Here are some things to consider: Energy Level! - Adopting a kitten or cat with a similar energy level ...
When Problems Arise With Your New Cat
It’s not uncommon to see some quirky or concerning behavior not long after bringing your newly adopted cat or kitten home. You’re all getting to know one another, and there ...
Tips for Resolving Litterbox Problems
Why Do Some Cats Eliminate Outside the Litter Box? Litter box use problems in cats can be diverse and complex. Behavioral treatments are often effective, but the treatments must be ...
Trimming Cat Claws
[print-me] The act of trimming your cat’s nails can seem like a daunting task, but there is good news: A team of people working with a cat can get a ...
Unusual eating habits in dogs and cats
[print-me] Dogs and cats will sometimes eat socks, rocks or other objects, which may result in a variety of problems for both you and your pet. Not only can your possessions be destroyed or damaged, but objects such as clothing and rocks can produce life-threatening blockages in your pet’s intestines. Eating non food items is called pica. A ...
Managing scratching
[print-me] By nature, cats have a need to scratch objects in their environment. We know that cats leave their scent behind when they scratch things and that this is a ...